The last, the most anticipated and the most prestigious of the three annual awards to honour the best of TVB programmes and artists for the year 2017, TVB Anniversary Awards 2017 breaks the tradition by delaying its ceremony to a month later to allow for the last two anniversary dramas, ‘My Ages Apart’ and ‘Heart and Greed’ to finish airing before the awards. The awards ceremony will be held on Sunday, 21st February 2018.
TVB has announced first part of the nomination list early this month in a press conference. The second part is revealed few days ago in another press conference and that leads to the beginning of voting by the Hong Kong public as the whole nomination list is now out.
Here below is the full nomination list for TVB Anniversary Awards 2017 alongside with my top 5 or top 3 picks (highlighted with *), my predicted winner, my preferred winner and my personal opinions:
Best Actor
Tony Hung (“Recipes to Live By”)
Wayne Lai (“May Fortune Smile on You”)
Ben Wong (“Tiger Mom Blues”)
Gallen Lo (“Provocateur”)
Eddie Cheung (“The No No Girl”)
Frankie Lam (“My Unfair Lady”)
Vincent Wong (“Legal Mavericks”) *
Raymond Cho (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”)
Edwin Siu (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”)
Ruco Chan (“The Unholy Alliance”) *
Lai Yok Yi (“The Tofu War”)
Pakho Chau (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Michael Miu (“Line Walker: The Prelude”) *
Benjamin Yuen (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Roger Kwok (“Oh My Grad”)
Kenneth Ma (“The Exorcist’s Meter”) *
Bobby Au Yeung (“My Ages Apart”)
Moses Chan (“My Ages Apart”)
Ha Yu (“Heart and Greed”) *
Bosco Wong (“Heart and Greed”)
Predicted winner: Kenneth Ma
Preferred winner: Kenneth Ma
Opinion: Although Michael Miu has won in Malaysia, the race is still only between Vincent Wong and Kenneth Ma for this coveted best actor title. Both of them have three series this year respectively and of course their most outstanding work is on their respective nominated drama. I find both of them equally good. Hence, the next subject to be in consideration is how long they have been in the industry. Hence, my answer is Kenneth. He hardly get any good roles after his success in 2012’s The Hippocratic Crush. After a long wait, he finally has one good role as ‘Ma Kwai’ in The Exorcist’s Meter and he nailed it. I believe Vincent Wong can wait one or two more years for this award. Furthermore, Kenneth has been very popular in Hong Kong after the airing of The Exorcist’s Meter.
Best Actress
Lin Xia Wei (“Burning Hands”)
Sharon Chan (“Tiger Mom Blues”)
Elena Kong (“Tiger Mom Blues”) *
Kristal Tin (“Destination Nowhere”) *
Jacqueline Wong (“Provocateur”)
Nadia Chan (“The No No Girl”)
Jessica Hsuan (“My Unfair Lady”) *
Natalie Tong (“My Unfair Lady”)
Sisley Choi (“Legal Mavericks”)
Nina Paw (“The Unholy Alliance”) *
Nancy Wu (“The Unholy Alliance”)
Nancy Sit (“The Tofu War”)
Roxanne Tong (“The Tofu War”)
Priscilla Wong (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Mandy Wong (“Nothing Special Force”)
Ali Lee (“My Ages Apart”)
Susanna Kwan (“Heart and Greed”)
Louise Lee (“Heart and Greed”) *
Michelle Yim (“Heart and Greed”)
Eliza Sam (“Heart and Greed”)
Predicted winner: Jessica Hsuan / Kristal Tin
Preferred winner: Kristal Tin
Opinion: I hate it when a lot of audiences have forgotten how powerful Kristal’s performance is in Destination Nowhere. It was such a challenging role and she delivered it absolutely well. She lost votes because that series is aired long time ago. Michelle Yim and Eliza Sam got nominated? Their roles in Heart And Greed are so minor. I considered them doing supporting roles in that drama only and didn’t deserve the nominations. I left out last year’s winner, Nancy Wu for this year’s Top 5 spot to make way for Elena Kong. She is brilliant in Tiger Mom Blues but she would not win. I also left out Ali Lee who has won in Singapore in the top 5 spot for Louise Lee. It is a disadvantage to Ali for being nominated not from her winning role in Legal Mavericks but from My Ages Apart instead. There should also be a nomination for Grace Wong from her role in My Dearly Sinful Mind. I remembered that she is doing very well in that one. What a huge snub!
Best Series
“Rogue Emperor”
“Recipes to Live By”
“May Fortune Smile on You”
“Burning Hands”
“Tiger Mom Blues” *
“Destination Nowhere”
“Lo and Behold”
“Married but Available”
“My Dearly Sinful Mind”
“The No No Girl”
“My Unfair Lady”
“Phoenix Rising”
“Bet Hur”
“Legal Mavericks” *
“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”
“The Unholy Alliance” *
“The Tofu War”
“Line Walker: The Prelude”
“Nothing Special Force”
“Oh My Grad”
“The Exorcist’s Meter” *
“My Ages Apart”
“Heart and Greed” *
Predicted winner: The Exorcist’s Meter
Preferred winner: The Exorcist’s Meter
Opinion: The Exorcist’s Meter stood out and left the audiences in surprise because of its supernatural theme that many didn’t expect would have such a good outcome. The performances, the script and the many touching scenes in this drama are excellent despite this drama not being a big production with heavyweight cast. The dark horse in this category would be Legal Mavericks. I have Heart And Greed as one of my top 5 picks too because I think the drama although not doing that well now but I believe it will accelerate on its last ten episodes.
Most Popular TV Male Character
Tony Hung (“Recipes to Live By”)
Ben Wong (“Tiger Mom Blues”)
Gallen Lo (“Provocateur”)
Raymond Wong (“Married but Available”)
Eddie Cheung (“The No No Girl”)
Frankie Lam (“My Unfair Lady”)
Vincent Wong (“My Unfair Lady”) *
Andrew Yuen (“My Unfair Lady”)
Natalis Chan (“Bet Hur”)
Owen Cheung (“Legal Mavericks”)
Raymond Cho (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”)
Edwin Siu (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”) *
Jimmy Au (“The Unholy Alliance”)
Ruco Chan (“The Unholy Alliance”)
Cheung Wing Hong (“The Tofu War”)
Lai Yok Yi (“The Tofu War”)
Pakho Chau (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Michael Miu (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Benjamin Yuen (“Line Walker: The Prelude”) *
Kenneth Ma (“The Exorcist’s Meter”) *
Hubert Wu (“The Exorcist’s Meter”)
Bobby Au Yeung (“My Ages Apart”) *
Moses Chan (“My Ages Apart”)
Bosco Wong (“Heart and Greed”)
Predicted winner: Kenneth Ma / Bobby Au Yeung / Vincent Wong
Preferred winner: Vincent Wong
Opinion: I somehow think that Vincent Wong should really get something this year. I have already placed my bet on Kenneth Ma for best actor. Hence, I will give this favourite male character to Vincent. He has a superb portfolio of work this year. However, I think he should instead be nominated for Legal Mavericks for higher chance of winning. I didn’t enjoy My Unfair Lady at all. If Kenneth lost the best actor, then I’m almost 100% certain Kenneth will win this (he has won it before in 2012 for his role in The Hippocratic Crush). Bobby Au is the dark horse in this category.
Most Popular TV Female Character
Elena Kong (“Tiger Mom Blues”) *
Kristal Tin (“Destination Nowhere”)
Koni Lui (“Lo and Behold”)
Jessica Hsuan (“My Unfair Lady”) *
Samantha Ko (“My Unfair Lady”)
Natalie Tong (“My Unfair Lady”)
Sisley Choi (“Legal Mavericks”)
Tracy Chu (“Legal Mavericks”)
Rebecca Zhu (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”)
Nina Paw (“The Unholy Alliance”)
Nancy Wu (“The Unholy Alliance”) *
Elaine Yiu (“The Unholy Alliance”)
Nancy Sit (“The Tofu War”)
Roxanne Tong (“The Tofu War”)
Priscilla Wong (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Moon Lau (The Exorcist’s Meter”)
Susan Tse (“The Exorcist’s Meter”)
Mandy Wong (“The Exorcist’s Meter”)
Ali Lee (“My Ages Apart”) *
Susanna Kwan (“Heart and Greed”)
Louise Lee (“Heart and Greed”) *
Michelle Yim (“Heart and Greed”)
Eliza Sam (“Heart and Greed”)
Predicted winner: Jessica Hsuan
Preferred winner: Elena Kong
Opinion: Jessica Hsuan is back to film for TVB. TVB must try their best to acknowledge her and I have to admit she is doing well in My Unfair Lady although I disliked the drama in general. Ali Lee may stunned everyone by emerging as the winner in this category as I see her as a dark horse here. Elena Kong is amazing in Tiger Mom Blues but the drama is aired too early this year and most audiences would have forgotten her awesome character in it.
Most Popular Series Song
四方 (“Rogue Emperor”) – Hoffman Cheng
心暖 (“Rogue Emperor”) – Kenneth Ma & Niki Chow
乾杯 (“Rogue Emperor”) – Ronald Law, Hoffman Cheng & Yao Bin
天賜的味道 (“Recipes to Live By”) – Maria Cordero
財神駕到 (“May Fortune Smile on You”) – Wayne Lai, Amy Fan, Pal Sinn, Matthew Ho & Kelly Fu
一輩子守候 (“The Princess Weiyoung”) – HANA
不變的愛 (“Tiger Mom Blues”) – Edwin Siu
迷 (“Destination Nowhere”) – Fred Cheng
獨來獨往 (“Provocateur”) – Gallen Lo
地盡頭 (“Provocateur”) – Fred Cheng
真心真意 (“Married but Available”) – Fred Cheng & Stephanie Ho
印記 (“Married but Available”) – Kayee Tam
籠牢 (“My Dearly Sinful Mind”) – Alfred Hui
你走的那個晚上 (“My Dearly Sinful Mind”) – Fred Cheng
我有我美麗 (“The No No Girl”) – Nancy Wu
我不會撒嬌 (“My Unfair Lady”) – Stephanie Ho
手中沙 (“My Unfair Lady”) – HANA
陪著你走 (“My Unfair Lady”) – Kayee Tam *
我不歸去 (“The Legend of the Condor Heroes”) – Kayee Tam
用愛邁步 (“Phoenix Rising”) – Kelly Chen
久別重逢 (“Eternal Love”) – HANA
十倍奉還 (“Bet Hur”) – Fred Cheng
心眼 (“Legal Mavericks”) – Vincent Wong
愛近在眼前 (“Legal Mavericks”) – Stephanie Ho
戰勝吧 (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”) – Fred Cheng
一觸即發 (“The Unholy Alliance”) – Ruco Chan
家中的太陽 (“The Tofu War”) – Nancy Sit
天網 (“Line Walker: The Prelude”) – Pakho Chau
忘記我自己 (“Line Walker: The Prelude”) – HANA *
安守本分 (“Line Walker: The Prelude”) – Vivian Koo
快樂快活人 (“Nothing Special Force”) – Kayee Tam
畢業之後 (“Oh My Grad”) – Mag Lam
你在我心間 (“Nothing Gold Can Stay”) – Jinny Ng
到此一遊 (“The Exorcist’s Meter”) – Hubert Wu
遙不可及 (“The Exorcist’s Meter”) – Hubert Wu *
泣血薔薇 (“The Exorcist’s Meter”) – Jinny Ng
誇世代 (“My Ages Apart”) – Hacken Lee
別再記起 (“My Ages Apart”) – Jinny Ng
我本無罪 (“Heart and Greed”) – Susanna Kwan *
欲言又止 (“Heart and Greed”) – Vincent Wong & HANA *
I Promise (“Heart and Greed”) – Linda Chung
Predicted winner: 忘記我自己 (“Line Walker: The Prelude”) – HANA
Preferred winner: 忘記我自己 (“Line Walker: The Prelude”) – HANA
Opinion: My chosen song stated above still remains my most favourite theme song of the year although I have been quite addicted to the songs from The Exorcist’s Meter and Heart And Greed recently.
Most Popular TV Partnership
Vincent Wong & Natalie Tong (“My Unfair Lady”) *
Vincent Wong & Owen Cheung (“Legal Mavericks”)
Edwin Siu, Raymond Cho & Matthew Ho (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”) *
Ruco Chan & Nancy Wu (“The Unholy Alliance”) *
Joel Chan & Elaine Yiu (“The Unholy Alliance”) *
Moses Chan & Jessica Hester Hsuan (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Benjamin Yuen, Priscilla Wong & Pakho Chau (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Kenneth Ma & Hubert Wu (“The Exorcist’s Meter”) *
Moses Chan & Bobby Au Yeung (“My Ages Apart”)
Ha Yu & Louise Lee (“Heart and Greed”)
Maria Cordero & Luk Ho Ming (“Good Cheap Eats (Sr. 6)”)
Benjamin Yuen & Mat Yeung (“All Work No Pay Holidays (Sr.2)”)
Myolie Wu, Nancy Wu, Mandy Wong, Elaine Yiu, Selena Li & Paisley Hu (“The Sisterhood Traveling Gang”)
Carol Cheng, C Kwan & Luk Wing (“DoDo Goes Shopping (Sr. 2)”)
Wayne Lai, Edwin Siu, Raymond Cho & Raymond Wong (“Dickies on Tour”)
Predicted winner: Joel Chan & Elaine Yiu
Preferred winner: Joel Chan & Elaine Yiu / Edwin Siu, Raymond Cho & Matthew Ho
Opinion: I think TVB would not want The Unholy Alliance to win nothing. This category is the one that this drama has slightly higher chance of winning due to the great chemistry between Ruco & Nancy and Joel & Elaine. Between these two pairs, Joel & Elaine stood out as I think people are now starting to get bored of Ruco & Nancy pairing already. The three guys in A General, A Scholar And An Eunuch are the dark horse here as I think their chemistry in that drama is one of the most critical subject that makes that particular series good and hilarious.
Global Netizens Favourite Series
“Rogue Emperor”
“Recipes to Live By”
“May Fortune Smile on You”
“Burning Hands”
“Tiger Mom Blues”
“Destination Nowhere”
“Lo and Behold”
“Married but Available”
“My Dearly Sinful Mind”
“The No No Girl”
“My Unfair Lady” *
“Phoenix Rising”
“Bet Hur”
“Legal Mavericks” *
“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch” *
“The Unholy Alliance” *
“The Tofu War”
“Line Walker: The Prelude”
“Nothing Special Force”
“Oh My Grad”
“The Exorcist’s Meter” *
“My Ages Apart”
“Heart and Greed”
Predicted winner: Legal Mavericks
Preferred winner: The Exorcist’s Meter
Opinion: This is a new category. This is the only one category that non Hong Kong citizens can vote on. If The Exorcist’s Meter win best series, then Legal Mavericks will win this. Same goes to the other way round. This is like the opportunity for TVB this year to award more than one series. My Ages Apart and The Unholy Alliance are closely behind in this race too.
Best Supporting Actor
Hugo Ng (“Burning Hands”)
Matthew Ho (“Tiger Mom Blues”)
King Kong (“Destination Nowhere”)
James Ng (“Destination Nowhere”)
Mark Ma (“Lo and Behold”)
Fred Cheng (“Provocateur”)
Mat Yeung (“My Dearly Sinful Mind”) *
Max Cheung (“My Unfair Lady”)
Lai Lok Yi (“My Unfair Lady”)
Andrew Yuen (“My Unfair Lady”)
Owen Cheung (“Legal Mavericks”) *
Timothy Cheng (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”)
John Chiang (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”)
Jimmy Au (“The Unholy Alliance”)
Joel Chan (“The Unholy Alliance”) *
Kwok Fung (“The Unholy Alliance”)
Carlo Ng (“The Unholy Alliance”)
Benz Hui (“Line Walker: The Prelude”) *
Brian Tse (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Kenny Wong (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Ram Chiang (“The Exorcist’s Meter”)
Ho Yuen Tung (“The Exorcist’s Meter”)
Hugo Wong (“The Exorcist’s Meter”) *
Hubert Wu (“The Exorcist’s Meter”)
Louis Yuen (“Heart and Greed”)
Predicted winner: Jimmy Au
Preferred winner: Joel Chan / Owen Cheung
Opinion: I have to admit that all the supporting male cast in The Exorcist’s Meter are great but putting them all together in this nomination list made them cancelling each other out in the end easily. Owen has won in Singapore and Joel has won in Malaysia. I have a feeling TVB want to award to someone else. Who will it be? I have a feeling Jimmy Au will win although I see him doing nothing much in The Unholy Alliance besides some fighting and stern-looking scenes. He is being pushed as one of the people that has to be awarded something this year by many Hong Kong citizens.
Best Supporting Actress
Stephanie Ho (“Recipes to Live By”)
Kaman Wong (“Tiger Mom Blues”)
Mandy Lam (“Lo and Behold”)
Joyce Tang (“Lo and Behold”)
Kelly Fu (“Burning Hands”)
Vivien Yeo (“My Dearly Sinful Mind”)
Eileen Yeow (“The No No Girl”)
Samantha Ko (“My Unfair Lady”) *
Zoie Tam (“My Unfair Lady”)
Toby Chan (“Legal Mavericks”)
Tracy Chu (“Legal Mavericks”)
Rebecca Zhu (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”)
Grace Wong (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”) *
Harriet Yeung (“A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”)
Elena Kong (“The Unholy Alliance”)
Elaine Yiu (“The Unholy Alliance”) *
Alice Chan (“Line Walker: The Prelude”)
Susan Tse (“The Exorcist’s Meter”) *
Katy Kung (“My Ages Apart”)
Sharon Chan (“Heart and Greed”) *
Predicted winner: Elaine Yiu
Preferred winner: Susan Tse
Opinion: Elaine Yiu and Susan Tse are the top two contenders in this category without any doubt. They both have won this award before too. I would be hating TVB if the winner is other than any of these two.
Most Improved Male Artiste
Owen Cheung (“The No No Girl”, “Legal Mavericks”, “HK Gag Gag”, “Amazing Summer Splash”) *
Matthew Ho (“May Fortune Smile on You”, “Tiger Mom Blues”, “A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”, “Tiger Mom Blues Returns”) *
Luk Ho Ming (“Good Cheap Eats (Sr. 5)”, “Sir Ben Prop Guide”, “TVB Anniversary Gala”, “Young and Restless”)
Hugo Wong (“May Fortune Smile on You”, “Legal Mavericks”, “The Exorcist’s Meter”)
Hubert Wu (“The Exorcist’s Meter”, “My Ages Apart”)
Mat Yeung (“My Dearly Sinful Mind”, “Bet Hur”, “Love and Construction”, “All Work No Pay Holidays (Sr.2)”) *
Predicted winner: Mat Yeung / Matthew Ho
Preferred winner: Mat Yeung
Opinion: There is a lot of competition in this category. Matthew Ho has won this award both in Singapore and Malaysia and hence his chance is higher. However, I’m rooting for Mat Yeung to win instead as he has been nominated a lot of times but have never won. What a pity as I find that he is one great actor too. His performance in My Dearly Sinful Mind and Bet Hur are fantastic too. Matthew can wait for another one or two more years.
Most Improved Female Artiste
Rebecca Zhu (“May Fortune Smile on You”, “A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch”, “Hong Kong Round the Clock”)
Samantha Ko (“My Unfair Lady”, “Bet Hur”, “Sammy on the Go”, “Gag Gag Summer”) *
Mayanne Mak (“Miss Hong Kong Pageant 2017”, “Sammy on the Go”, “Line Walker: The Hunting Game”, “TVB Anniversary Gala”)
Zoie Tam (“May Fortune Smile on You”, “My Unfair Lady”, “Legal Mavericks”, “My Ages Apart”)
Roxanne Tong (“Provocateur”, “My Dearly Sinful Mind”, “The Tofu War”, “Sidewalk Scientist”) *
Jacqueline Wong (“Provocateur”, “Nothing Special Force”, “Sammy on the Go”) *
Predicted winner: Samantha Ko
Preferred winner: Jacqueline Wong
Opinion: It is not surprising if anyone of them except Mayanne Mak wins in this category. It’s hard for me to decide for this category. Samantha Ko has been doing well, and so does Jacqueline Wong especially for her role in Provocateur.
Best Host(s)
Lee Ka Ting & Helen Tam (“The Ahistoric Grandpa Cooking Show”)
Gigi Wong (“Eating Well with Madam Wong (Sr. 3)”)
Maria Cordero & Luk Ho Ming (“Good Cheap Eats (Sr. 6)”) *
Nancy Sit, Michael Lai, Raymond Cho & Karen Tong (“Cantopop at 50”)
Mayanne Mak, Kaki Leung, Roxanne Tong, Crystal Fun, Tiffany Lau & Bowie Cheung (“Sidewalk Scientist”)
Tony Hung (“Retiring in Paradise”)
Luk Ho Ming, Louisa Mak & Crystal Fung (“Young and Restless”)
Bob Lam, Mayanne Mak & Linna Huynh (“Chef Minor (Sr. 3)”)
Janis Chan (“Faraway Brides”)
Lai Chi San (“Starry Starry Talk”)
Evergreen Mak, Joyce Tang & Elena Kong (“Bazaar Carnivals (Sr. 3)”)
Benjamin Au Yeung, Mayanne Mak, Luk Ho Ming, Bella Lam & Liz Ji (“Sir Ben Prop Guide”)
Helen To (“Helen Goes to Kyushu”)
Sammy Leung, Samantha Ko, Mayanne Mak & Jacqueline Wong (“Sammy on the Go”) *
Carol Cheng, FAMA, Kenneth Ma, Edwin Siu & Priscilla Wong (“DoDo Goes Shopping (Sr. 2)”) *
Predicted winner: Maria Cordero & Luk Ho Ming
Preferred winner: Carol Cheng, FAMA, Kenneth Ma, Edwin Siu & Priscilla Wong
Opinion: It would be boring if Carol Cheng win this category again. So, I pick Maria Cordero & Luk Ho Ming to win this as they have also won the same in Malaysia earlier.
Best Non-Drama Programme
“The Ahistoric Grandpa Cooking Show”
“Miss Chinese International Pageant 2017”
“Love at Last Sight”
“Feng Shui for the New Year”
“Dinner Ma’s”
“Eating Well with Madam Wong (Sr. 3)”
“Dream in the Ring”
“HK Gag Gag”
“Anchors with Passport (Sr. 3)”
“The Place We Call Home”
“Neighborhood Treasures (Sr. 7)”
“Public Housing Outing”
“Hong Kong Round the Clock”
“Easy Come Easy Health”
“Good Cheap Eats (Sr. 6)”
“Cantopop at 50” *
“Pay It Forward”
“Sidewalk Scientist”
“Retiring in Paradise”
“Litigation at Home”
“Big Big Kids Awards 2017”
“All Work No Pay Holidays (Sr.2)” *
“Young and Restless”
“Buskkkkk Music”
“The Big Big Channel Nite”
“Amazing Summer Splash”
“Fun Abroad”
“Chef Minor (Sr. 3)”
“C AllStar Thai Odyssey”
“Miss Hong Kong Pageant 2017”
“Faraway Brides”
“Starry Starry Talk”
“The Sisterhood Traveling Gang” *
“Bazaar Carnivals (Sr. 3)”
“Sir Ben Prop Guide”
“Helen Goes to Kyushu”
“The Ultimate Street Sorcerer”
“Sammy on the Go”
“Line Walker: The Hunting Game”
“EYT: Anniversary Edition” *
“Diva Liza 50-Year Special”
“TVB Anniversary Gala”
“The Heavenly Party”
“DoDo Goes Shopping (Sr. 2)” *
“Tung Wah Charity Show 2017”
“Gala Spectacular”
“Dickies on Tour”
“J.S.G. Awards Presentation 2017”
Predicted winner: The Sisterhood Traveling Gang
Preferred winner: The Sisterhood Traveling Gang
Opinion: I didn’t watch much non-drama programmes every year. Hence, my only choice is The Sisterhood Traveling Gang as I remember this programme that shows the travel of a group of six female artists in Australia is quite entertaining.
Yup…that’s it for the post. What a lengthy post.
As usual for every year, there will be disappointment in the nomination list. There are some major snubs and shockers. Some didn’t deserve got nominated. Some only has very minor roles and yet got nominated in supporting categories. Some got nominated for the poorer drama. TVB is forever careless in compiling the list. And it is such a long nomination list this year to squeeze everyone in unnecessarily. This makes the nomination nothing much to value for.
The awards ceremony will be held on Sunday, 21st January 2018.
(Images in this post are from various sources throughout the world wide web)