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Official result and my analysis of TVB 45th Anniversary Awards (萬千星輝頒獎典禮) 2012


Huh…I have to hold back and keep myself calm while writing this. The result turned up very satisfying in earlier categories presented, but then went on disastrously bad particularly on the last two heavyweight awards. If you don’t know, the prestigious annual TVB anniversary awards is held in December every year to honour artists and series presented along the respective year. The 2012′s TVB Anniversary Awards concluded just now, and I will list down the official result below along with my comments.


Lifetime Achievement Award: Liza Wang.

Comment: This is the most prestigious award every year, honouring one who have serviced TVB for at least several decades and had been successfully contributing to Hong Kong entertainment industry. Liza Wang winning this is quite deserving since she made priceless effort on her 41 years of service in TVB. Congratulation to her for winning this, and I like her speech when she said that this award doesn’t mean an award for the old, as she would promise to continue to commit to this work.

Best Actor: (* is in top 5, bold is winner)

1. Wayne Lai in The Confidant*
2. Moses Chan in The Last Steep Ascent*
3. Kevin Cheng in Gloves Come Off
4. Kenneth Ma in The Hippocratic Crush*
5. Raymond Lam in Highs and Lows*
6. Bosco Wong in Witness Insceurity
7. Damian Lau in Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles*
8. Roger Kwok in Queens of Diamonds and Hearts
9. Joe Ma in Tiger Cubs
10. Raymond Wong in Gloves Come Off

Comment: This result is very unexpected and I’m seriously not satisfied with it. Since Kenneth Ma won the Most Favourite TV Male Character, he had lesser chance in this and that paves a bigger chance for Raymond Lam. He had a large fanbase and this one-person one-vote system is an advantage to him. He did exceptionally well in ‘Highs and Lows’ too with extreme emotion poured into the character. But in the end, unbelievably, he turned out empty handed. Many including I myself is predicting he would win. Wayne Lai contributed solid performance as always, but I find it’s already enough for him in winning TV king twice before. Unexpectedly, a lot of people vote for him and he won it again this year.

Best Actress: (* is in top 5, bold is winner)

1. Michelle Yim in The Confidant*
2. Charmaine Sheh in When Heaven Burns*
3. Myolie Wu in Ghetto Justice 2
4. Tavia Yeung in Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles*
5. Fala Chen in Queens of Diamonds and Hearts
6. Linda Chung in Wintess Insecurity*
7. Kate Tsui in Highs and Lows*
8. Aimee Chan in The Last Steep Ascent
9. Liza Wang in Divas in Distress
10. Niki Chow in Bottled Passion

Comment: This is fair and acceptable. Most of us have predicted that it’s the time for Tavia to be crowned TV Queen, and she finally did it. Congratulation to her! But then, I find her role in SSSS isn’t a breakthrough, and people picked her just because her time came, just like how it turns out to Myolie last year. Anyway, she still deserves to win. However, extra credit is given to Michelle as she delivered outstanding performance in ‘The Confidant’. Her eyes and facial expressions are brilliant and impacting in the drama. This is what acting is actually. But since she won it before back in 2008, having her in top 5 is a consolation already.

My Favorite TV Male Character: (bold is winner)

1. Kevin Cheng in Ghetto Justice 2
2. Moses Chan in The Last Steep Ascent
3. Wayne Lai in The Confidant
4. Raymond Lam in Highs and Lows
5. Kenneth Ma in The Hippocratic Crush
6. Bosco Wong in Witness Insecurity
7. Bobby Au Yeung in House of Harmony and Vengeance
8. Michael Miu in Highs and Lows
9. Raymond Wong in The Confidant
10. Damian Lau in Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles

Comment: I like this result the most. It’s the most right judgement of all. Kenneth Ma totally deserved this award. His character as ‘Cheung Yat Kin’ in ‘The Hippocratic Crush’ is very likeable. He did extremely well and his acting has been now on par with those of TV king’s standard. He had a very bright future ahead and soon it would be his turn for TV king. Raymond Lam as Happy Sir is also a nice character but still lacks a bit behind Yat Kin Tou. Really happy for Kenneth to win this. Congratulation!

My Favorite TV Female Character: (bold is winner)

1. Michelle Yim in The Confidant
2. Charmaine Sheh in When Heaven Burns
3. Myolie Wu in Ghetto Justice 2
4. Crystal Tin in King Maker
5. Tavia Yeung in Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles
6. Tavia Yeung in The Hippocratic Crush
7. Kate Tsui in Highs and Lows
8. Fala Chen in Queens of Diamonds and Hearts
9. Eliza Sam in Divas in Distress
10. Niki Chow in Bottled Passion

Comment: Another good and satisfying outcome. Kate Tsui delivered an extreme breakthrough performance as a drug queen in ‘Highs and Lows’. There is a very high potential in such controversial character and Kate nailed it. She improved a lot in acting. Eventhough she is disliked by many people in her early years of acting, she finally gain some recognition and I’m happy with it. Once this award is given to Kate, I’m sure the best actress must be Tavia already.

Most Improved Male Character: (bold is winner)

1. Gam Kong
2. Him Law
3. Edwin Siu
4. Oscar Leung
5. Vincent Wong

Comment: A very good pick indeed. Oscar Leung had been in acting career for many years as far as I have known. However, there isn’t any great things or characters for him in earlier years, not until this year, when he is given so many interesting characters like in L’escargot, The Confidant, Tiger Cubs, etc. He totally deserved this award after so many years of contribution and with such a breakthrough year of 2012 for him.

Most Improved Female Character: (bold is winner)

1. Mandy Wong
2. Eliza Sam
3. Christine Kuo
4. Katy Kung
5. Cilla Kung

Comment: Another very much predicted and acceptable result. I find Mandy Wong’s performance to have excel so fast. Probably, she had a great talent on acting. Furthermore, she had been given so many potential characters to portray and that she did all amazingly well too. I would find it very weird and illogical if this award goes to one of the other four nominees on which I think is still far behind from this recognition.

Best Supporting Actor: (* is in top 2, bold is winner)

1. Power Chan in The Confidant*
2. Koo Ming Wah in Divas in Distress*
3. Oscar Leung in L’Escargot
4. Elliot Ngok in The Confidant
5. Vincent Wong in Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles
6. Alex Lam in Ghetto Justice 2
7. Kenny Wong in The Last Steep Ascent
8. Ram Tseung in Witness Insecurity
9. Him Law in The Hippocratic Crush
10. Edwin Siu in Daddy Good Deeds

Comment: Everyone knew top 2 would be Power Chan and Koo Ming Wah. And yes it is. Koo Ming Wah won it finally. I didn’t watch his performance as critically-acclaimed So Kei in ‘Divas in Distress’ but I heard a lot of good things about him from this drama. So, there must be something exceptionally fascinating from him. But I find that this result would be a big disappointment to Power Chan. He portrayed an eunuch in ‘The Confidant’ in a very interesting manner and his acting is well received. But then, his role gets diminished as the series progresses. Hence, the award still goes to Koo Ming Wah that made a bigger impact from his much earlier released drama. Fine, I’m still okay with this outcome. Really feel sorry for Power Chan. Power Chan, I think next year TVB would tries to give to you this award through another interesting character.

Best Supporting Actress: (* is in top two, bold is winner)

1. Mandy Wong in L’Escargot*
2. Rachel Kan in Master of Play
3. Mary Hon in Three Kingdoms RPG
4. Florence Kwok in King Maker
5. Law Lan in The Last Steep Ascent
6. Christine Kuo in Ghetto Justice 2
7. Nancy Wu in Gloves Come Off*
8. Elena Kong in Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles
9. Eliza Sam in Divas in Distress
10. Aimee Chan in The Confidant

Comment: I prefer Elena Kong and Nancy Wu to be in top two. I find Mandy in top two is a bit too fast for her. She is still not there yet eventhough her character is very much likeable too. Elena Kong delivered impressive performance in SSSS but is not emphasized in awards. Too bad. Okay, I’m still fine with Nancy Wu winning this since she had been in this industry for many years too and that her acting is no doubt good as well.

Best Series: (* is in top three, bold is winner)

  1. When Heaven Burns <天與地>*
  2. Bottled Passion <我的如意狼君>
  3. Wish and Switch <換樂無窮>
  4. L’Escargot <缺宅男女>
  5. Let It Be Love <4 in Love>
  6. The Hippocratic Crush <On Call 36小時>*
  7. Queen of Hearts and Diamonds <東西宮略>
  8. Daddy Good Deeds <當旺爸爸>
  9. The Greatness of  Hero <盛世仁傑>
  10. Gloves Come Off <拳王>
  11. House of Harmony and Vengeance <耀舞長安>
  12. Come Home Love <愛.回家>
  13. Master of Play <心戰>
  14. No Good Either Way <衝呀!瘦薪兵團>
  15. Tiger Cubs <飛虎>
  16. Witness Insecurity <護花危情>
  17. Three Kingdoms RPG <回到三國>
  18. Ghetto Justice 2 <怒火街頭2>
  19. King Maker <造王者>
  20. Divas in Distress <巴不得媽媽…>
  21. The Last Steep Ascent <天梯>
  22. Highs and Lows <雷霆掃毒>
  23. Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles <名媛望族>
  24. The Confidant <大太監>*

Comment: This is the result I had a shock when it is first announced. Are the Hong Kong audiences lack of serious and rational judgement when picking the most coveted best series award? Sorry for hurting. I had to be clear on this. I am 100% and totally opposed to this result. Many are rooting for ‘The Hippocratic Crush’ and ‘The Confidant’ (everyone knew only these two battle it all out), and in the end, ‘When Heaven Burns’ win this! I find this result to be very awkward and nonsense to the max. This is so unbelievable. Really a big disappointment and NO to me. I didn’t watch ‘When Heaven Burns’ as I find it so boring even in earlier episodes already. ‘The Hippocratic Crush’ or ‘The Confidant’ should have win this as they had good scripts, wonderful performance by the casts, and so many other good things surrounding them. This is unbelievable. Many earlier polls also show that ‘When Heaven Burns’ not even entering top 5, and now winning is a big mystery. ‘Something’ is behind the win. Ahh…sometimes, I find 100% voting by audiences isn’t truly reflective of who the artists or which the series deserves for the awards. ‘When Heaven Burns’ winning Best Drama is totally sick!


Huh…really unbelievable. In earlier part of the awards presentation when every result revealed is so satisfying, I thought that this year’s result would be the most fair and proper. In the end, it really turned out disastrous and terrible, and ignoring some other very good series (The Confidant only win one from Best Actor but lost out most others) and artists (Raymond Lam unexpectedly win nothing eventhough I have to say he did very well this year too and that 2012 is time for him already to get big award). I find there is something wrong to the last two awards (Best Actor and Best Series). Others are all okay and satisfying and correct according to most prediction.

And then, it’s quite low-class and a sign of disrespect when the crew keep on requesting people on stage to cut off their time to speak. Stop that stupid thing and keep the awards presentation longer next year onwards so that the winning people can voice out their full-of-emotion feeling a bit longer. And one more thing good about this awards presentation is that there are quite a few interesting and funny lines to keep us entertained throughout this two and a half hour show. And I’m so glad to see two heavyweight awards presenters attended this awards ceremony; Miriam Yeung for presenting best actress award and Deanie Ip for presenting best actor award. And last but not least, I also like the part when TVB decided to award several artists who have been contributing to many series for many years but given no recognition earlier. They (Chin Ka Lok, Benz Hui, Sunny Chan, Lee Sing Cheung & Carol Cheng) deserved the award. Anyway, congratulation to all the winners, eventhough some don’t deserve to get it in any point. That’s it.

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