The annual Hong Kong’s TVB Awards Presentation 2013 (萬千星輝頒獎典禮2013) just concluded few minutes ago. It is a two and a half hour star-studded awards show attended by almost all nominees and invited guests. Held on 16 December 2013 in TVB City from 8.00pm to 10.30pm and hosted by Carol Cheng and Amigo Chui (as usual every year), the awards recognize and honour the best of TVB programming and series for this current year that will be ending very soon.
Here below is the winner list of TVB 46th Anniversary Awards 2013, together with my brief comments to each categories:
Most Improved TV Male Artiste: Vincent Wong (Friendly Fire, Season of Love, Sergeant Tabloid, A Change of Heart, Will Power)
Comment: Vincent Wong deserved this award. He delivered very impressive performance, thanks to his seniors who had been slapping him so many times in two series that brought him to this fame and eventually this award (Damian Lau in Silver Spoons, Sterling Shackles last year and Susan Tse in Will Power this year).
Most Improved TV Female Artiste: Eliza Sam (Inbound Troubles, Triumph in the Skies II, Sniper Standoff, The Hippocratic Crush II)
Comment: Already knew it’s time for Eliza. At first, I don’t think she deserved, but after watching her latest performance in The Hippocratic Crush II, I do see that she really improves. The series’ episode 27 and 28 are totally the time for her to shine and she did it well. Now, she is deserving and successfully got it. But she is too much of being heavily promoted. Slow it down.
Best Supporting Actor: Benz Hui (Bounty Lady)
Comment: A very unexpected and surprising result. I expected Him Law to win it, since he did amazing performance in The Hippocratic Crush II as ‘Yeung Chung’ and it is his breakthrough role to date too. Nevertheless, Benz’s hilarious role in Bounty Lady got me entertained but not really to the point of impressing me.
Best Supporting Actress: Elena Kong (Triumph in the Skies II)
Comment: This is the result everyone will be satisfied. Elena 100% deserved it. She had very impressive acting skill and she shined in every characters from third wife in Silver Spoons, Sterling Shackles last year to Head Zhe in Triumph in the Skies II and most recently as Yuen Sam in Bounty Lady. A very professional and talented actress. She had the potential to climb up to best actress category soon.
Best Informative Programme: Pilgrimage of Wealth II
Comment: Didn’t watch it. So nothing to comment. I think this is something about journey around Asia and how it inspires our life.
Best Variety Programme: Three Amigos Bon Voyage
Comment: Didn’t watch it. So nothing to comment. But it’s quite interesting to see that this programme had three veteran actors travelling around Europe.
Best Programme Host: Tony Hung & Priscilla Wong (Pilgrimage of Wealth II)
Comment: Didn’t watch it. So nothing to comment. But both of them make a good couple as host.
Most Favourite TV Male Character: Julian Cheung as Captain Cool (Triumph in the Skies II)
Comment: Expected. His cool character as pilot Captain Jayden is everyone’s favourite and obviously super popular. No need to further explain. But I don’t really like the character that much, maybe because I am not a girl.
Most Favourite TV Female Character: Krystal Tin as Yiu Man-ying (Brother’s Keeper)
Comment: Happy that Krystal win this. Yiu Man-ying is a very likeable character and Krystal’s good portrayal to it is an extra point. I love this character. It’s a rough, shrewish, straightforward but nice character. A very interesting character.
Best Leading Actor: Dayo Wong (Bounty Lady)
Comment: Another shocking result. Bounty Lady has not even finish airing and Dayo himself is not present. His acting is no doubt solid but I prefer it to be handed over to others, particularly Francis Ng or Ruco Chan. Anyway, Dayo is a top-notch actor and he did well as usual in Bounty Lady, another one of his comedy productions.
Best Leading Actress: Krystal Tin (Brother’s Keeper)
Comment: Very happy that she wins best actress. Sorry, Linda. You didn’t had any outstanding role this year. Your time for this award will come very soon. Krystal portrayed her character so well and she totally deserved this award. Her acting is certainly highly-acclaimed.
Best Series: Triumph in the Skies II
Comment: Quite predictable that this sequel drama won since it is the highest rated and most popular series of the year. But I’m dissatisfied when they don’t even announce the top 3 or top 5 like they used to do in previous years. But to be honest, to compare the quality of series, Brother’s Keeper stands at a slightly higher position.
Generally, the awards show this year is quite hilarious with awards’ nominees, recipients, presenters and hosts frequently making funny remarks. I also do agree with the 50% voting by public and 50% voting by professional judges for best actor, actress and series categories and 100% public voting for most favourite TV male and female characters awards. However, there are few things I am displeased; the organizer kept on forcing and limiting people to end or to cut short their words as usual every year, lack of highly prolific figures to present awards (at least last year we had Deanie Ip and Miriam Yeung, this year we only had Anthony Wong), and artists kept on thanking the TVB high executives to the point I can remember all their names (Tommy, Sandy, Virginia, etc) and I think they were also sick of their names being thanked so many times but lacked of sincerity. Overall, the result this year is quite satisfying except for some categories with surprising winners. And I’m surprised to see that Francis Ng did come to join the show despite empty-handed in the end.
I can’t remember the names of the 5 winners of professionalism awards, but these are all awarded to those who had been acting for decades in TVB and pretty much deserving for it. Same goes to the Lifetime Achievement Award. That’s it. Looking forward to TVB 47th Anniversary Awards 2014 next year.
(Images in this post are from various sources throughout the world wide web)